
Fuel Active


Features & Advantages

FuelActive is a unique method of delivering 92% cleaner fuel to the engine by drawing fuel from just below the surface of the fuel tank. Standard diesel engines and storage units draw fuel from the bottom of the fuel tank where water, sediment, diesel bug and other contaminants settle.

The unique and patented fuel pick-up system ensures that only clean fuel enters the fuel lines eliminating the costly effects of fuel contamination. Not only that, because the engine is burning only clean fuel, the thermal efficiency of the engine reduces fuel consumption whilst maintaining factory-level emissions standards through its life cycle.


FuelActive Mining


Fuel Active – HM400’s

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Yamana Gold - Argentine

Operations at the Gualcamayo gold mine in Argentina, operated by Yamana Gold Inc., were being disrupted by diesel fuel contamination caused by premature fuel-filter blockage in their Komatsu HM 400 truck. Fuel filters were becoming blocked after less than 250 hours of use.
